Quick start

Thanks to the Smash API Documentation, let's get started with the basics and make your first file uploads and downloads from the Smash API & SDK.

Step 1 - Register on Smash

To start uploading your first files with the Smash API, you need to create a Smash account on https://developer.fromsmash.com/signup. Registration is free. You will have a 100 GB, 14-day free trial (No credit card required).

Once your account is created, go to the “API Keys” section and generate your first API Key.

Step 2 - Make your first upload

In this example, install the Smash Uploader Node.js server-side SDK to get access to Smash APIs from applications written in Node.js.

We recommend installing the library with npm, a package manager for Node.

npm install @smash-sdk/uploader

Now that you have the Uploader Node.js SDK installed, you can start to create your first transfer from the example code below:

Code example:

Replace "Put an API key here" with your own.

import { SmashUploader } from "@smash-sdk/uploader";
const su = new SmashUploader({ region: "eu-west-3", token: "Put an API key here" })
const files = [
su.upload({ files }).then(transfer => {
}).catch(error => {

Step 3 - Make your first download

Once you have created your first files upload, you can start to create your first files download by installing the Smash Downloader Node.js server-side SDK to get access to Smash APIs from applications written in Node.js.

We recommend installing the library with npm, a package manager for Node.

npm install @smash-sdk/downloader

Now that you have the Downloader Node.js SDK installed, you can start to make your first transfer download from the example code below:

Code example:

Replace "Put an API key here" with your own.

import * as fs from 'fs'
import { SmashDownloader } from "@smash-sdk/downloader";

const sd1 = new SmashDownloader({
    token: "Put your api key",
    transferId: "Put a transfer id here",
    path: "Path to file, ex: /dummyFiles/dummy.zip",
    //enableOverride: true, // support for override

sd1.download().then(downloadedItem => {
    console.log("Download", downloadedItem);
}).catch(error => {
    console.log("Error", error);


Step 1 - Register on Smash
Step 2 - Make your first upload
Step 3 - Make your first downl…